Kirtland Central High School Business Professionals of America Chapter Holds 36th Inauguration

Published on 6 May 2024 at 22:19

Kirtland, NM - The Kirtland Central High School Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter recently held its 36th inauguration ceremony, swearing in the newly elected officers for the 2024-2025 term.

After a highly contested selection process in April, Kayla Badoni was elected President, with Ely Lee serving as Vice President. Joining them are:

· 37th Secretary: Patieya Curtis
· 36th Treasurer: Isabella Hurtado
· 36th Historian: Emily Roanhorse
· 34th Parliamentarian: Phillip Horsley
· 30th Reporter: Madison Medley
· 1st Public Relations Representative: Jubilee Herrera
· 2nd IT Representative: Caleb Kester

President Badoni, inaugural address 2024

The inauguration ceremony marked a significant milestone for the chapter, as the new officers officially took office. The event was attended by faculty advisors, members, and guests.

In her inaugural address, President Kayla Badoni emphasized the importance of unity, growth, and accountability within the organization. She outlined her vision for the chapter's future, promising to foster a collaborative environment and ensure effective communication.

Kayla Badoni, being sworn in as the 36th president

The new officers are eager to begin their tenure, building on the chapter's achievements and exploring new opportunities for professional development, community service, and leadership growth.

The Kirtland Central High School BPA chapter has a rich history of excellence, and this new team is poised to continue that legacy. Congratulations to the 2024-2025 officers!

Ely Lee, being sworn in as the 36th vice president

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