Bill No. 004-2024

Published on 21 April 2024 at 09:15

Public Relations Office Established Act:

The Public Relations Office Established Act creates the position of Representative of Public Relations within the Business Professionals of America (BPA) at Kirtland Central High School. This role is responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies, engaging with stakeholders, and promoting the organization’s activities and achievements. The act outlines the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications for this position, as well as the conditions under which an officer may be removed from their role.

The duties of the Representative of Public Relations include collaborating with the Historian and Reporter to distribute information, participating in Media Committee meetings and projects, attending chapter meetings, performing additional duties as assigned by the President and Advisor, and promoting the welfare of BPA at Kirtland Central High School. Responsibilities involve developing and implementing communication strategies, engaging with students, staff, parents, and the community, upholding the organization’s values and image, and collaborating with other chapter officers to enhance visibility.

The role strengthens the organization’s presence and influence by showcasing members’ dedication and accomplishments. Qualifications for chapter officers include meeting the qualifications set by the chapter advisor or bylaws, maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA, and having no failing grades reported for the year of service. The chapter advisor can remove an officer for failing to carry out duties, inappropriate conduct, not fulfilling responsibilities, poor communication with team members, or not upholding the organization’s code of conduct.

Visit form pdf: 35th Leg. B.NO. 004.pdf