Gallery Room

Chicago, IL National

May 9-14, 2024

Members of BPA New Mexico posing in front of Chicago.

Members of BPA New Mexico posing in front of the Chicago boat tour.

Senior Class of 2024 BPA Members with Advisor Lynn Foster in front of the Bean.

Secretary Patieya Curtis, President Kayla Badoni and Vice President Ely Lee.

Historian Emily Roanhorse, President Kayla Badoni and former secretary Rodzaiah Curtis.

I.T. Rep. Caleb Kester, Advisor Lynn Foster, Parliamentarian Phillip Horsley, former secretary Rodzaiah Curtis, former treasure LeAnndra Austin and Sophia Nez.

Secretary Patieya Curtis, President Kayla Badoni and Reporter Madison Medley.

36th Inauguration

May 6, 2024

36th President Kayla Badoni

36th Vice President Ely Lee

37th Secretary Patieya Curtis

36th Treasure Isabella Hurtado

36th Historian Emily Roanhorse

4th Parliamentarian Phillip Horsley

36th Reporter Madison Medley

Representative Jubilee Herrera

I.T. Representative Caleb Kester