KCHS BPA Chapter Officers Hold Final Meeting Before Transition to New Administration

Published on 22 April 2024 at 23:31

The Kirtland Central High School Business Professionals of America (BPA) chapter officers held their last meeting, before handing over the reins to the next administration. This meeting marked the conclusion of their term and paved the way for the incoming officers who will be sworn in during a special ceremony.

The outgoing officers reflected on their achievements and challenges throughout the year, expressing their gratitude to the members for their support and dedication. They also shared their hopes and expectations for the new administration, emphasizing the importance of continuity and growth for the organization.

President Justin Harrison stated, "It's been an incredible journey, and we are proud of what we've accomplished together. We have full confidence in the incoming officers and believe they will take the BPA chapter to new heights."

The swearing-in ceremony for the new administration will take place May 6, 2024, marking the official transition of leadership. The KCHS BPA community looks forward to welcoming the new officers and supporting them as they embark on their term.